Wire Transfers from UHFCU
Wire transfers are a convenient and reliable way to transfer funds to or from your UHFCU account to another financial institution.
A convenient way to send money
- Send/Receive domestic or international
- Fast and secure
- Send requests in person or through Online Banking (Note: We do not accept requests by mail, e-mail, phone, or fax)
Sending Wire Transfers
Requests in Person:
- Complete the appropriate form and visit any UHFCU branch.
- Domestic destination: outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF).
- International destination: outgoing Foreign Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF).
- The maximum wire amount is $125,000.00.
- The fee for outgoing domestic wires is $35 and $50 for foreign destinations.
– Please note: If a foreign wire is sent with foreign currency, the request must be made in-person Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) before 10:00 a.m. HST on the day of transfer.
Requests via Online Banking:
- Please contact us. We will send you an Encrypted E-Mail with the Domestic Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF) or Foreign Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF) attached and instructions on how to proceed.
- The maximum wire amount is $5,000.00 per day.
- Requests are subject to a confirmation callback.
- The fee for outgoing domestic wires is $35 and $50 for foreign destinations.
Please note: If a foreign wire is sent with foreign currency, the request must be made in-person Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) before 10:00 a.m. HST on the day of transfer.
Receiving Wire Transfers
We can also receive funds wired from any domestic or foreign (through a US correspondent) financial institution.
- Review the incoming Wire Transfer instructions (PDF).
Please Note: If you use a route other than the one specified in the instructions, all fees incurred will be your responsibility.
Both incoming and outgoing wires require very detailed and specific information to credit your account (especially across international borders). We recommend contacting us for assistance at: memberservices@uhfcu.com.
The institution clearly puts a priority on service to its members. There is a sense of shared interest, shared benefit and value. We're all in it together, shows in the demeanor and service.
- UHFCU MemberOnline Bill Pay
Wire transfer fees too much? Maybe Online Bill Pay would better suit your needs. This FREE service is available as part of our Online Banking service. With only a few clicks, you can send a check (or electronic payment, depending on the capabilities of the recipient) and the funds will be deducted from your Checking account.
- FREE to all members
- Send payments to individuals or businesses
- Pay your bills online or from your mobile device
- Schedule recurring bills to be paid automatically (example: monthly rent)
How do I request a wire transfer?
- Download and complete the appropriate form and bring in to any UHFCU branch.
or, - Download and complete the appropriate form, sign on to Online Banking and submit a secure message with the form attached.
- Domestic destination: outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF).
- International destination: outgoing Foreign Wire Transfer Request Form (PDF).
- Download and complete the appropriate form and bring in to any UHFCU branch.
How do I set up Online Bill Pay?
To set up Online Bill Pay:
- Log in to Online Banking
- Under the Bill Pay tab select “Bill Pay”
- Select “Click to Continue to Online Bill Pay”
- Select “Yes” to begin registering for Bill Pay (Note: Service will open in a new window.
Ensure your pop-up blocker has been disabled or is set to allow pop-ups from this site.) - Accept the terms and conditions and select “Go!”
- Follow the prompts to set up payees
How do I request a wire transfer?