5 Ways You Can Work From Home and Make Extra Cash in 2022
Whether you need a little extra money in your retirement or like to keep busy, a work-from-home job can be an excellent opportunity to earn while staying occupied. Here are some great jobs for retirees that can help you do both. As with anything you find online, some options are better than others. And sadly, there are plenty of work-from-home scams out there, so keep an eye out for the following red flags:
- They ask for personal information, like your Social Security number or bank account information.
- They ask you to pay. Legit job offers will never require payment to apply, purchase inventory, attend training, etc.
1. Translator
Translate documents and provide interpretation over the phone or by video. These might be court documents, contracts, scripts, medical records, or other documents.
2. Pet Sitter or Walker
Take care of other people’s companion animals in your home, either at daycare or overnight. This could include walking, playing, feeding, and lightly grooming animals.
3. Proofreader
Check articles for readability, proper grammar, formatting, and consistent style. Some companies pay per word. So ask about average article lengths before signing up.
4. Tutor
Share your knowledge with students of all ages. For example, you may compose lessons, grade tests and papers or help review material in preparation for a standardized test like the SAT.
5. Transcriptionist
Type out, verbatim, what you hear on audio files. For example, you may be captioning a video, capturing the words in a court presentation, or taking down a written record of a dialogue between two or more people.