5 Small Changes That Can Improve Your Finances
Small habit changes can make a big difference in improving your financial future. Consider these changes if you want to improve your relationship with money.
- Learn to budget
If you’re not monitoring your spending, chances are you’re overspending. Budgeting can help you be aware of where your money is going. Write down, especially when you are about to buy books or a new laptop for school. Use your phone or note down your spending to keep track of your spending. - Open a high-yield savings account
Stash your extra cash in the right place. If you’re keeping your savings in a checking account, you’re missing out on interest. By opening a high-yield savings account you can earn interest and get rewarded for savings. Don’t miss out on free money. - Automate your savings
Set up automatic transfers to regularly send money from your checking account to your savings account. This habit change can save time and help you stay on top of your savings goals. - Pay more than the minimum on your credit card
If you can afford to do so, paying your entire balance off every month is best. By getting in the habit of paying off your credit card balance in full, you can avoid expensive credit card interest charges. Have a lot of credit card debt? Consider transferring your balance to a credit card with a low-fixed rate and no balance transfer fee. - Build an emergency fund
Having extra money available when you need it most can ease your stress. If it feels impossible to build your fund, start small. If you save $100 a month, you’ll have $1,200 saved in a year. That’s much better than $0 saved.
- Learn to budget